Sunday, May 25, 2014


Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) consists of procedure to describe data in simple arithmetic terms with easy-to-draw pictures. One useful technique, the stem-and-leaf display, was developed by Professor John Tukey, a famous mathematical statistician, as a technique for summarizing data sets without losing the individual observations.

A stem-and-leaf display is an exploratory data analysis graph that is an alternative to the histogram. Data are grouped according to their leading digits (called the stem) while listing the final digits (called leaves) separately for each member of a class. The leaves are displayed individually in ascending order after each of the stems.

 The number of digits in each class indicates the class frequency.

Stem-and-Leaf Display: Mobile

    2   22   24
    5   22   567
    8   23   124
   13   23  56678
   16   24   224
   26   24   5567777889
   43   25   12222222222222444
   48   25   55666
  (19)  26  1122233333333333344
   43   26   5667789999999
   30   27   111234
   24   27   5556889
   17   28   1124
   13   28   588888
    7   29    144444
    1   29     8

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