Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Median ungrouped data

The median is the middle most observation of a set of observations that are arranged in increasing (or decreasing) order. If the sample size, n, is is an odd number, the median is the middle observation. If the sample size, n, is an even number, the median is the average of the two middle observations. The median will be located in the th ordered position

Example: The demand for bottled water increases during the hurricane season in Florida. A random sample of 7 hours showed that the following numbers of 1-gallon bottles were sold in one store:
                              40     43     62     43     50     60     65
Find the median.

Solution: We arrange the data in increasing order:
                    40     43     43     50     60     62     65
the median is 50; three numbers are less than 50 bottles and three numbers are greater than 50 bottles. If the sample included a eighth hour number of bottles of 65:  
                      40     43     43     50     60     62     65   65
the median would be located in the  position, or the 4.5th ordered observation, which would bebottles.
es are 43 and 65.

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